From Hot Cool Tokyo (a collection of intriguing and hard-to-find items from Japan), in collaboration with Akashiya (Nara brushmakers since 1716), a art set including 14 Sai Watercolor Brushes in exclusive colors, 1 thinline pen, and 1 water brush pen.
Colors: Red, Fuchsia, Sakura, Peach, Tangerine, Saffron, Chartreuse, Juniper, Gray, Sky, Teal, Lilac, Brown, Black
"At Hot Cool Tokyo, we indulge with a selection of hard to find items from Japan. Scouring back alleys, small family-owned-for-generations factories, the common and the obscure, to find unique products. Ranging from old bolts to the supercute, we choose whatever piques our interest and whatever we think will be of intrigue."
— Hot Cool Tokyo