In 1994, former fashion entrepreneur Murray Moss opened a store called Moss in a small gallery space in SoHo with a determination to transform the public perception of industrial product design. The store quickly became renowned for its fine product selection and idiosyncratic presentation with clients ranging from highly informed design professionals to celebrities, students, and tourists with maps. In 2003, the New York times dubbed it "Arguably, the best design store in America." Murray has since moved on to consulting and speaking, and most recently taking vintage press photos and pairing them with an eye to detail only a seasoned design expert could. The pairings bring a new life to these once workhorse photos, creating unexpected narratives that are both revealing and delightful. As Murray writes in the intro "I have paired these images, at my own discretion, with other orphaned press images, putting them in dialogue, and in the process creating for each image a new narrative a new life, a third story, a tertium quid. "
And for your shopping enjoyment, note our selection of classic products for sale that were offered at the famed Moss store and the old mossonline.com below in the Recommended section.
And for your shopping enjoyment, note our selection of classic products for sale that were offered at the famed Moss store and the old mossonline.com below in the Recommended section.